Tuesday, February 26, 2008

yay functionality!

testing functionality

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Life Tip #1: Don't Spill Nail Polish

Here is my life tip number one: DON'T SPILL NAIL POLISH. I accidentally spilled some nail polish this morning, and it was not easy to get out (of the carpet, at least). In fact, it's still there a bit.

However, I did get it all off of the counter. Water and bleach were useless, and I wound up using a knife to scrape it off the counter.

After that, I thought, "Why not nail polish remover?" Yeah. Wish I would have thought of that about 45 minutes before the scraping. It ALL came off the counter! Amazing!

The moral of the story: if you spill nail polish, use nail polish remover.
